Spring is a time when many pets go outside to frolic and have fun in the warming weather. While spring is a time of happiness for animals, it’s also a time of hazards. Knowing how to protect your pet from these hazards can help you care for your pet at home and while out in the world.
Keep Easter Chocolate Away
Chocolate is made from a plant that contains theobromine and caffeine. Both chemicals are toxic to pets, especially dogs. All forms of chocolate can poison dogs, but the most hazardous form of chocolate is baker’s chocolate, which contains cocoa in high concentrations.
To protect your pet at Easter time, keep your pet away from all forms of chocolate. Put chocolate in the freezer for safekeeping, and be sure to tell your children not to share Easter candy with your pet.
Microchip Your Pet
Pets who spend a lot of time outside are at risk of becoming lost. Microchipping can prevent this from happening. Microchipping works like this: a tiny microchip is injected into the back of the neck. A microchipped pet who becomes lost need only be brought to a scanning station where the chip can be read and the owners identified. This helps reunite a lost pet with their owner.
If you plan to take your pet on a lot of walks and to a lot of parks this spring, microchipping is a good way to protect your pet should he or she run away while off-leash.
Know the Hazardous Plants
Some spring plants, lilies, in particular, are hazardous to animals. Unfortunately, many young animals are attracted to flowers and plants and may be tempted to eat the flowers if they’re brought in the house. As a pet owner, you can protect your pet by keeping hazardous plants off your property and out of your house. Talk to your pet’s veterinarian to find out what kind of common plants are toxic to your pet.
Secure Window Screens
Many pets are attracted to warm window sills. Unfortunately, improperly secured window screens can be a hazard for pets who lean too far out the window, especially if the window is on an upper floor. Check your window screens before opening your windows to ensure that your pet will not be at risk for falling out the window.
Pest Proof Your Pet
Warmer weather brings fleas and ticks. Pets who spend a lot of time outdoors are especially vulnerable to fleas and ticks. Keep your lawn properly mowed and free of debris to keep pests away.
Talk to your pet’s veterinarian to get your pet on a regimen of flea and tick preventatives. Your pet’s veterinarian can prescribe the appropriate preventatives for your pet.
Have Your Pet Groomed
Some pets can get hot in the warm weather, especially those with a thick coat. Grooming your pet on a regular basis can help rid your pet of unnecessary hair, which can help keep your pet cool. If your pet has long fur, it’s also a good idea to keep your pet’s coat trimmed. Grooming your pet on a regular basis can also help protect your pet against pests like ticks.
Watch for Signs of Allergies
Some pets get allergies, just like people. Pets with allergies may have a variety of symptoms, including:
Itchy skin
Red eyes
Ear infections
If your pet displays symptoms of pet allergies, your pet’s veterinarian can help you identify the cause of your pet’s allergies. Knowing what your pet is allergic to can help you protect your pet from these problems.
Work With Your Pet’s Veterinarian
Do you have more questions about how you can protect your pet in spring? Contact a vet at Bay Area Pet Hospital. We’re happy to answer your questions about pet safety in spring!